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February 3–9 ❘ Spirit of Revelation

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February 3–9 ❘ Spirit of Revelation (D&C 6–9) Merrijane Rice

Spirit of Revelation

Dreaming, I churn
down blind alleys, dead ends,
roundabouts without exit
or place of rest.

Waking, I hesitate
at the edge of a vast reed sea,
another muddy place
where I could spin and sink.

Thinking, I study
where to place each footfall,
looking deeply into undergrowth
to tell solid earth from fen.

Feeling, I discern
between mists that warn of mire
and flickers that draw me on
toward hidden steppingstones.

Moving, I will
reach the other side—eventually.
This is how revelation parts the deep
and dry ground rises to catch me

as I cross the waters
one step at a time.