June 17–23 ❘ Laden
I am not condemned by feelings—
moods that ebb or flow
like tides to lunar pull
of illness, hunger, hormones—
but by thoughts: little boats
that harbor in my mind
as I pace decks and count
and recount every sail and plank;
by words: hiss of fuse
and cannon crash, clang
of anchor and canvas slap
as I loose myself to battle;
by action: or more often inaction
to some lonely, desperate SOS
from foundering vessel warped
and torn by violent crosscurrents.
I am condemned by what I stow
deep within. Judgment
will be too late to offload
rotting freight at His feet.
Read more of my poetry at www.facebook.com/latterdaysaintpoetry
Contact me at merrijane.rice@gmail.com