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December 9–15 ❘ Every Good Thing

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December 9–15 ❘ Every Good Thing (Moroni 7–9) Merrijane Rice

Every Good Thing

Frost glitters under winter sun,
freshens cold pavement
with brilliant pinpricks.

Copper-barked chokecherry
bristles with new buds,
catches morning light and flickers
at topmost branches.

Yellow thistles glow like candles
by the pond, grasses glimmer silver
to their feathered fingertips.

Wild rose bush bends
under burden of ripe hips
heavy and red as great drops of blood.

Brassy sun blares a silent
hallelujah from the blue.
Horses in the field prick ears to hear,
flick tails in time, nicker to the tune.
My feet softly mark off measure

by measure as I hum along,