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October 7–13 ❘ Tarry a Little Longer

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October 7–13 ❘ Tarry a Little Longer (3 Nephi 17–19) Merrijane Rice

Tarry a Little Longer

with me. All sacred moments
must end, but before time resumes
its enduring course forward,

stay a while. I am weak—
a child who would hold You
here with me, heedless
of other plans and purposes.

Fold me in compassion
against the cold and darkness
of a guttering, uncertain world.
Weep with me to heal regret

and pray for me with words
I can’t quite find or form myself
in mind or mouth.

Brace me with eyes to see
angels gathered around, bright
with divine fire.

Promise, and I will believe,
that You will return
on the morrow.