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May 22–28 ❘ The Other Virgin

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May 22–28 ❘ The Other Virgin (Matthew 24–25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21) Merrijane Rice

The Other Virgin

Yes, there were ten virgins—
five wise with lamps and vessels
full to last till midnight,
and five foolish who slept empty,
resting too soundly,
too comfortably to even
shift positions. 

Then there's you,
outside the story. 
You pour everything in,
burning as fast as drops fall
so you can stay awake all night
to care for others who always need
more than you have to give. 

Come, tuck your arm through mine. 
Until the call sounds,
we'll share a single light,
praying that the Bridegroom
who multiplies loaves and fishes
and frees springs in the desert
will never let our cruse of oil fail.