June 5–11 ❘ Transition


Duration is relative.
I tell you this as forewarning,
so you don’t stumble. 

When you are gripped by labor,
time grinds on brittle gears,
a little while spins into eternity. 
Husband hovers over,
ministers count by count
until on brim of insanity
you cry out in despair. 

My God, my God!
Why hast thou forsaken me?

Look at me, he says,
You can do this. 
Breathe, breathe,
breathe as heartbeats thump,
rush and flow of blood
pumps in your ears until
it is finished.

You soon forget
how close to death you felt,
joyful now that someone new
is born into this old,
old world.


June 12–18 ❘ Betrayer


May 29–June 4 ❘ Memorial