Mar. 6–12 ❘ Disciple’s Prayer

Disciple’s Prayer

Lord, make my life a prayer,
not a vain repetition rehearsed
and performed on street corners.

When I speak your tender name,
may it be between the two of us
a conversation uninterrupted by Amen.

Teach me how to teach myself and others,
to boost our mutual climb
and chisel footholds in the mountain.

Give me rest from endless pursuit
of more and still more.
Let me shed excess without regret

and give it freely to anyone
without under-breaths of you’re welcome
or you owe me.

And if I must be pushed, tested,
pressed into yoke of earthly service,
then let it be by you, with you,

for you are sufficient
to knit my riven heart,
rinse my mud-soaked soul,

and set me gently again
on the straight path
toward forever.


Mar. 13–19 ❘ Prayer for My Children


Feb. 27–Mar. 5 ❘ Paralyzed